MONOMAL - モノマル -


Diana Patch

Diana Patch yaaaaaaaaaaa





Champion Changes


•Bandage Toss now scales from 70% of AP, down from 100% of AP.

•Curse of the Sad Mummy now scales from 80% of AP, down from 100% of AP.

•Tantrum now costs 35 Mana, down from 50 Mana.


•Pyroclasm - Pyroclasm now prioritizes champions ablaze for the next bounce, instead of increasing missile speed.


•Magic Resist increased to 31.25 (+1.25 per level), up from 30.

•Feast range increased to 150, from 100.

•Vorpal Spikes now grow as Cho'gath grows in size.


•Agony's Embrace now has a 120/100/80 secs cooldown, down from 150/120/90.


•Zephyr now scales from 60% of AP, down from 80%.


•Finales Funkeln is now named Infinite Light.


•Black Shield now has a 23/21/19/17/15 secs cooldown, down from 23 secs cooldown at all ranks.


•Magic Resist increased to 31.25 (+1.25 per level), up from 30.


•Base Damage increased by 52, up from 50.


•Acid Hunter now deals 10/40/70/100/130 damage (+0.85 of AD), instead of 50/80/110/140/170 damage.

■Xin Zhao

•Damage decreased to 55.3 damage (+3.3 per level), from 59 (+3 per level).

•Audacious Charge now deals 70/110/150/190/230 damage, down from 70/115/160/205/250 damage.


•Omen of Famine - The healing effect is halved against minions.